Does sun exposure cause acne?
The question over whether the sun exposure is good or bad for the skin has a complicated answer! The sun provides us with a spectrum of different wavelengths of light.
One type of wavelength, “blue wave” light is very beneficial for acne as it targets special chemicals in the acne bacteria and catalyzes a reaction that kills the bacteria. Blue light is also anti-inflammatory and can reduce some of the redness and swelling associated with acne.
On the other hand, sun exposure also means exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. These rays cause a thickening of the skin, which increases the risk of clogged pores and can ultimately trigger or worsen acne breakouts. This is even more likely to happen in hot and humid areas, which can lead to a severe outbreak of inflammatory pimples called acne Majorca.
In summary, like most things, sun exposure is great for your health, wellbeing and your skin. But too much of a good thing is, well...too much. Try to get sun exposure daily (in part to meet your Vitamin D requirements!) but bring a hat and/or protective clothing if you’re going to be out longer than 10-15 minutes.
While we don’t recommend sunbathing if you know you’re going to be out in the song for a while, make sure to apply (and reapply!) and oil-free, non-comedogenic sunscreen to protect your skin from the sun without increasing the risk for breakouts, which can happen with most traditional sunscreens.
To find the right acne treatments for your unique skin, take the free skin assessment by clicking here.