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Read this before you start Accutane

The benefits of Accutane treatment can change your life. It's the only drug that treats acne at its root and can cure even the most severe cases.

What is Accutane?

Accutane, or isotretinoin, is a prescription medication primarily used for treating severe nodular acne that has not responded to other treatments. It belongs to a class of drugs called retinoids and works by reducing sebum production, an oily substance that can clog pores and contribute to acne breakouts.

The Benefits of Accutane

Accutane offers several significant benefits for individuals struggling with severe acne. These include:

1. Clearing Persistent Acne

Accutane is highly effective in clearing persistent acne that has not responded to other treatments. It targets the root causes of acne, reducing inflammation and shrinking the sebaceous glands.

2. Long-lasting Results

One of the key advantages of Accutane is its ability to provide long-lasting results. Many individuals experience a significant reduction in acne breakouts, and some even achieve complete clearance after completing their treatment course.

3. Improved Self-esteem

Severe acne can profoundly impact an individual's self-esteem and overall well-being. Accutane can help restore self-confidence and improve quality of life by effectively treating acne.

Before you start Accutane, it's essential you know the following:

  1. Pregnancy is an absolute no-no during your Accutane treatment and three months after.
  2. Don't take multivitamins while you're on Accutane — especially vitamin A. Accutane is already high in vitamin A, so taking it with Accutane may lead to an overdose.
  3. Start moisturizing as soon as you begin Accutane. Everybody on Accutane should expect some dryness on the face and the body. Use oil-free sunscreen in the morning and another oil-free moisturizer on your face each night. Use body lotion everywhere else!
  4. It would be best if you drank less alcohol when you were on Accutane.
  5. Your lips are going to get very dry! Use lip balm (With sunscreen) all the time. Expect chapping of the lips and occasional skin peeling surrounding the fingernails. The chipping and/or peeling will disappear by the end of the treatment.
  6. No waxing or laser hair removal (ANYWHERE)!
  7. You need to use sunscreen every. Single. Day. Even in the winter.
  8. Your eyes will feel dry — moisturizing eye drops will help.
  9. Accutane will dry your nose mucosa, so be prepared for some nosebleeds.
  10. Combining blue light for acne with Accutane was proven to reduce flare-ups.
  11. You should also know that a blood count should be performed before starting treatment and at three and eight weeks after the treatment. Blood testing usually includes a blood count, liver function tests, lipids profile, CPK, and a pregnancy test for women.
  12. People on Accutane should reduce their sports activity because Accutane causes muscle fibers to be more fragile. Intense sports activity can cause the rupture of some muscle fibers, resulting in muscle pain. When muscle fiber rupture is massive, it can lead to kidney damage.

The Accutane Treatment Process

When you embark on an Accutane treatment plan, several key steps are involved:

1. Medical Evaluation and Prescription

Your healthcare provider will thoroughly evaluate your acne condition and overall health. If Accutane is deemed suitable for you, a prescription will be provided, along with detailed instructions for usage.

2. Regular Monitoring

During your Accutane treatment, you must undergo regular check-ups to monitor your progress and assess potential side effects. These appointments are essential for ensuring your safety and optimizing treatment outcomes.

3. Duration of Treatment

The duration of an Accutane treatment course typically varies based on individual factors and the severity of acne. Most treatment plans last 4 to 6 months, during which you will take a prescribed dosage of Accutane daily.

4. Skincare Routine Adjustments

Accutane can cause dryness and increased sensitivity in the skin. Adjusting your skincare routine accordingly is crucial to maintain hydration and minimize irritation. Your healthcare provider can recommend suitable moisturizers and gentle cleansers for your regimen.

5. Lifestyle Considerations

Throughout your Accutane journey, adopting a healthy lifestyle can complement the treatment's effectiveness. This includes practicing good hygiene, avoiding excessive sun exposure, and maintaining a balanced diet. Staying well-hydrated and avoiding harsh skincare products can also help support healing.

Tips for a Successful Accutane Treatment

To maximize the benefits of your Accutane treatment and minimize potential side effects, consider the following tips:

1. Follow Instructions Carefully

Adhere to your healthcare provider's instructions regarding Accutane dosage, frequency, and any additional recommendations. Taking Accutane precisely as prescribed will optimize its effectiveness and minimize risks.

2. Keep Your Healthcare Provider Informed

If you experience any unusual or severe side effects during your Accutane treatment, promptly inform your healthcare provider. Open communication ensures that your treatment plan can be adjusted to prioritize your well-being.

3. Practice Patience

Clearing severe acne takes time, and results may not be immediately noticeable. Staying patient and continuing with the treatment plan as prescribed is essential. Remember, the long-lasting benefits of Accutane often outweigh the temporary challenges.

4. Prioritize Skincare

Maintain a gentle skincare routine while on Accutane. Use non-comedogenic products and avoid harsh exfoliants or abrasive treatments. Moisturize regularly to combat dryness and protect your skin's barrier function.

5. Protect Yourself from the Sun

Accutane can make your skin more sensitive to sunlight. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF regularly and wear protective clothing when exposed to the Sun. This helps prevent sunburns and reduces the risk of skin damage.

6. Be Mindful of Other Medications

Inform your healthcare provider about any other medications or supplements you are taking. Some drugs can interact with Accutane, potentially affecting its efficacy or increasing the risk of side effects.


Accutane, an effective medication for severe acne, can help you achieve clear and healthy skin. By understanding its benefits and precautions and following the recommended treatment process, you can confidently navigate your Accutane journey. Remember to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before starting Accutane and maintain open communication throughout your treatment. We hope this comprehensive guide has provided valuable insights into Accutane, empowering you to make informed decisions about your Skincare. Here's to your journey toward clear and radiant skin!

More info:

Top 5 Benefits of Accutane

Accutane Side Effects

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