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How to reduce oily skin - 10 dermatologist tips

10 dermatologist tips for reducing oily skin

The relationship between our skin and oil is, well...#complicated. On the one hand, our skin's oil does amazing things for us, keeping us youthful, hydrated, and glowing. On the other hand, too much oil can wreak major havoc on our skin and lead to clogged pores and breakouts. So our goal with skin oil is to achieve a good balance like many things related to health. Not too much oil, but also not too little

How do you know what skin type you have?

The oiliness of our skin depends on a combination of factors, from gender, age, and hormonal health, to external factors like diet, makeup, and—of course—the skincare products we're using. It can also be different in different face areas (combination skin). For some people, it's easy to tell what skin type you have (the shiny forehead says it all). For others, it's not as easy to tell. Here's one simple way to better understand what skin type you have

  1. Wash your face with a gentle (non-mediated, non-drying) cleanser and pat dry.
  2. Wait an hour. During this time, your skin should return to its "natural" state.
  3. Dab your t-zone (the middle of your forehead, the area between your eyebrows and your nose) with a clean, soft paper tissue.

Assess your results: Here's how you become a skin detective

how to asses the oiliness of your skin

  • Normal skin: The tissue is clean without any traces of oil or flaky skin.
  • Oily skin: The tissue has some visible oily spots on the tissue.
  • Dry skin: The tissue has some see some flakes of dead skin cells.
  • Combination skin: You may see a combination of the above. In combination skin, the skin will be oily in the T-zone and normal or dry in other face areas.
  • Bonus Assessment - Sensitive skin: If you have sensitive skin, your skin may feel uncomfortable and get red and itchy

The best ways to decrease oil in the skin:

1. Use a cleanser formulated for oily skin

The best cleansers for oily skin are active (i.e., contain medicated ingredients) yet still mild in their effect on the skin. The best active ingredients to help balance oil production in cleansers are BHAs (Beta-hydroxy Acids) and lipophilic (i.e., fat lovers). Therefore, BHAs like salicylic acid (the queen bee of BHAs) can penetrate the oil gland more easily to remove excess oil and other pore-clogging debris. Micronized forms of salicylic acid are even more effective and less irritating, especially when combined with AHAs (like glycolic acid) and other anti-inflammatory ingredients.

To find the right cleanser for your skin, take the free MDacne skin analysis.

2. Do not over-wash your face

While it may seem intuitive to simply wash your face more if it is oily, over-washing (more than 2-3 times per day) can actually have the opposite effect! Your skin uses a process called biofeedback to balance the oil production of your skin. Over cleansing, using too harsh a facial cleanser, alcoholic toner, or an electric cleansing brush can irritate the skin and stimulate more sebum production. This excess oil gets trapped under the already clogged pores and runs the risk of triggering more acne breakouts. Therefore, for people with oily skin, washing the face twice a day is usually optimal. That being said, cleaning the skin after sweating is super important. Therefore, you can cleanse a third time if you exercise midday or work in a hot, sweaty environment. An alternative is to use an oil-free face wipe to tie you over between washes.

Pro tip: when cleansing your face with your face wash, make sure you're using warm water. Water that is too hot or too cold can further irritate the skin.

3. Use a moisturizer suitable for oily skin

Contrary to popular belief (and perhaps common sense), moisturizers are essential for people with oily skin—especially when using active anti-acne skincare products. To reduce the excessive oil production of your skin, you want to "trick" your skin into thinking that it has as much oil as it needs and, therefore, does not need to produce more. as got a beautiful "coat." A light, oil-free (non-comedogenic) moisturizer will do the trick without clogging your pores and causing more oiliness.

4. Avoid irritating skin products and gadgets

There are many skincare products and devices that seem like a good idea to add to your skincare regimen—especially for oily skin types. However, these products can also irritate, causing further breakouts and other skin problems. Here are the ones you want to avoid;

  • Toners: Toners are alcohol-based liquids meant to dissolve and strip dirt and oil off the upper layer of your skin. Unfortunately, toners also damage the skin's protective layer, making it more acne-prone and sensitive. Current thinking, influenced by Korean skincare, has concluded that alcohol-based toners should not be part of ongoing skin care. To remove makeup, it's better to use oil-free makeup remover wipes followed by a mild cleanser to remove debris, dirt, and oil and a light oil-free moisturizer to renew the skin's protective layer.

  • Electric Spin Brushes: While these brushes are super popular online and tout the ability to help achieve a deep clean, they are often too harsh on the skin. Stick to cleansing your skin with (clean) hands. You can also use a soft, microfiber towel to help remove makeup without irritation.

5. Follow a good diet for reducing oily skin

While there is still much research to be done on the connection between diet and skin, studies (and lots of personal anecdotes) have shown that certain foods can increase the size of the oil glands (i.e., enlarged pores) and stimulate the production of sebum (skin oil). The main food types in this category are dairy (especially cow's milk) and refined carbohydrates. These types of food trigger the production of insulin-like growth factor-1 that attaches to the receptors within your oil glands, so they produce more oil. A good skin oil-reducing diet should include meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, and unrefined carbohydrates. It should not involve refined carbohydrates (pasta, white bread), sweets, and extra salty fast and instant foods. Click here to read more on the best diet for acne-prone skin.

6. Use blotting paper and makeup wipes to remove excess oil

It may seem quite old-fashioned, but using blotting paper and oil-free makeup remover wipes is one of the best ways to remove extra oil from your skin during the day. Check out our favorite makeup remover

7. Consider an oral medication to balance your hormones and oil production (females only)

One of the leading causes of acne is the oversensitivity of the sebaceous gland to androgens (male pattern hormones). Certain birth control pills have been shown to help balance these hormones and ultimately reduce skin oiliness and acne breakouts. While not for everyone (including males!), birth control pills can be an excellent option to consider if you have difficulty getting your oil production in check. For this, you'll need to talk to your physical or OB-GYN, but first, read up on the best birth control pills for acne here.

8. Consider a non-hormonal medication to balance oil production (females only)

Spironolactone is a prescription medication that helps counteract the androgenic hormone's effects in females and reduces skin oiliness without changing the hormones. It is also considered one of the best medications to help treat adult and cystic acne. Talk to your dermatologist to see if Spironolactone is a good option for you.

9. Use the right makeup for oily skin

Using the wrong makeup can further clog your pores and make acne worse. On the other hand, certain makeup products—such as powdered mineral makeup—can help manage breakouts and mattify shiny skin by absorbing excess oil. The first step, make sure your makeup is oil-free and non-comedogenic and not adding insult to injury (i.e., more oil to an already oily face). Next, consider switching to mineral makeup and monitor any changes in your skin. Here are a few favorites:

10. Using a daily SPF for oily, acne-prone skin

Woman using the MDacne oil-free SPF 30 face sunscreen for acne-prone skin

Using SPF is a non-negotiable in skincare but can be extra tricky with oily, acne-prone skin. Make sure you choose an oil-free sunscreen (ideally SPF 30) to protect your skin without adding skin oiliness or breakouts.

To find the right acne treatments for your unique skin, take the free skin assessment by clicking here.

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